Chatarra - ¡GRATIS!
"On Demand / PPV for non-subscribers" - Cine de Puerto Rico
Roy is a young boy who lives and works in a clandestine junker owned by a mechanic
(Hector). Throughout his childhood, Roy is searching for a missing female role that he
didn't grow up with but somehow feels attached to. Roy's curiosity leads him to believe
that by discovering this absent figure in his life, he will find the love and freedom he
A collaboration with the Alliance française of Puerto Rico.
Written and directed by: Rolando Meléndez
Executive Producer: Rolando Meléndez & Vanessa López
Producers: Vanessa López & Kemel Jamis
DOP: Sonnel Velázquez
Production Designer: Angel Flores Mangual
Costume Designer: Rebecca Rivera
Music: Juan Andrés Matos & Lorena Pérez
Edited by: Héctor Guzmán & Rolando Meléndez
Post-production: Reaktor Post
Sound designer: Gerardo López
Colorist: Edgar Lebron
Winner: Best Script - 7th European short film festival of the Alliance française of Puerto
Winner: Best Photography - 7th European short film festival of the Alliance française of
Puerto Rico
Winner: Best Sound Mixing and Original Score - 7th European short film festival of the
Alliance française of Puerto Rico
Winner: Best Short Film - 7th European short film festival of the Alliance française of
Puerto Rico
Official Selection: 32nd Short Film Market on Clermont Ferrand International Short Film
Up Next in "On Demand / PPV for non-subscribers" - Cine de Puerto Rico
El Festival - ¡GRATIS!
Alondra, una joven maratonista, se muda de regreso a su pueblo natal para investigar la desaparición de su hermana. Una vecina muestra curiosidad, y bajo amenaza sutil, la invita al Festival anual de San Jerudías que se lleva a cabo en el pueblo. Alondra rechaza la oferta, y pronto siente las ram...